Whether you have a sudden automobile repair that cannot be put off until later or you have an expensive utility bill that needs paid, you might find yourself in a position where you need to take out a payday advance loan. Since you may be in a hurry to get everything processed and have that money in hand, you will want to review the following things you will need to do in order to make the approval process a little easier for yourself.

Gather Your Latest Bank Statement

You will need to take your most recent bank statement with you when you go to apply for the payday loan. If you no longer have bank statements mailed to your home, you can try logging into your online banking account. There may be a link somewhere within your online account that will allow you to view and then print your latest bank statement. Should that not work, you will need to stop by your local bank branch and ask for a print out of your most recent statement. This is going to be the proof the payday loan lender needs in order to set up your paperwork. They will know that they can draft your payment from your account if needed.

Collect A Few Month's Of Pay Stubs 

You are going to need proof of your income and the payday advance lenders want to see that in the form of a bank statement. The number of pay stubs you will need will depend on the specific policies of that company. Therefore, as you are working on gathering them all up, you might want to give the loan lender a call to verify how many month's of income you have to provide proof of. If you are missing any of the pay stubs that you need, you will want to contact your employer, as they may be able to print off a copy of it for you.

Have A List Of References Ready

Many payday advance loan companies are interested in making sure that they are able to get a message to you should your phone number no longer work and you are late on your payment. Therefore, you may need the names and contact numbers of some friends and family that they could call if they ever needed to. By gathering this information now, you will not have to worry about trying to think of enough references right on the spot. You will also have a chance to check with your friends and family to see if you have their permission to give out their information.

By preparing for the loan application process as much as you can, you will find that you will have access to your payday advance much quicker.  
